Qualifio is thrilled to announce the launch of its new Loyalty platform! 🎉
Customer relationships are no longer built solely around purchase opportunities. In fact, every interaction with your brand is a loyalty touchpoint. Following repeated requests from our customers, we have launched an interaction-based loyalty platform fully integrated with our interactive marketing and data collection platform. This means you will be able to incentivise interactions with your brand online; such as taking part in a quiz, subscribing to your newsletter or writing a review; and reward your customers for that!
What you will learn in this webinar?
Who else than our CEO, Quentin Paquot, and our Head of Product, Olivier de Lamotte, to introduce you to our new interaction-based loyalty platform?
In this exclusive webinar, they explained the reasons behind the launch of our new Loyalty platform and gave a sneak preview of how it works, so you can start launching successful loyalty programs.